Kent Baby Matters Breastfeeding Help

Kent has many community breastfeeding resources designed to meet the changing needs you have on your breastfeeding journey. here we explain each service in detail to help you decide which service best fits your needs.

Breastfeeding groups with Breastfeeding Counsellor.

These are social groups usually provided by a breastfeeding charity such as La Leche League (LLL), National Childbirth Trust (NCT), and Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (ABM).  All pregnant and breastfeeding women are welcome and there is also a trained breastfeeding counsellor available to provide information and help for breastfeeding mothers having problems.  Volunteer breastfeeding peer supporters may also be there to provide additional mother to mother support. Some Breastfeeding Counsellors are able to complete tongue-tie assessments and can then complete a referral for the procedure.  Many of these groups are held in family homes, so you may need to message ahead for an address, the markers on the map will only give a general idea of where these groups are located unless they are in a public building.

blue Breastfeeding Group with Breastfeeding Counsellor

  • Drop in, but you may need to message ahead for a home address
  • A social group
  • Mum to Mum support from a trained volunteer peer supporter
  • Help with breastfeeding problems from a trained breastfeeding counsellor

Breastfeeding group with Lactation Consultant

These are social drop-in groups but have a focus on problem-solving with volunteer breastfeeding peer supporters and Lactation Consultants (on occasion breastfeeding counsellors) present. Lactation Consultants are allied health professionals who specialise in the clinical management of breastfeeding.

These groups can be busy so your patience is appreciated whilst the Lactation Consultant sees you one to one in the group or a quiet room if available. Lactation Consultants can also complete tongue-tie assessments and referrals for tongue-tie procedures.

red Breastfeeding Group with Lactation Consultant

  • Drop in
  • One to one
  • A social group
  • Mum to Mum support from a trained volunteer peer supporter
  • Help with complex breastfeeding problems (including tongue-tie assessment) from a Lactation Consultant

Bookable Breastfeeding clinics

These are by prior appointment only to see the Lactation Consultant one to one. If you are having breastfeeding problems and would like a dedicated appointment time then this would be the right service for you. The Lactation Consultant may like to have contact with your healthcare professional before and after this appointment so that they can provide the best support for your circumstances. Lactation Consultants can complete tongue-tie assessments and referrals for tongue tie procedures.  Book a Private Consultation

brown Breastfeeding Clinic

  • Appointment only (across the County of Kent and beyond)
  • One to one
  • There is a charge for this service
  • The appointment could be within your own home
  • Help with complex breastfeeding problems (including tongue-tie assessment) from a Lactation Consultant
  • Find out more information here


Breastfeeding Group with Health Visitor/Community Nursery Nurse and Volunteer Breastfeeding Peer Supporters.

These are social drop-in groups. All pregnant and breastfeeding women and their families are welcome, with trained volunteer peer supporters available to provide information and Mother to Mother support about breastfeeding. Peer supporters often have their young children present so one to one support may be limited but they will be able to offer you alternative help and support if you have problems.  If you need additional help with breastfeeding, the staff will be able to refer you for an appointment with the Lactation Consultant who works within the Health Visitor Service.  These services can be across Kent at local Children’s Centres.  To find your nearest service, check out their website for the most current schedule –

Health Visitor Breastfeeding Groups in Kent – Schedule

  • Drop in
  • One to one
  • A social group
  • Mum to Mum support from a trained volunteer peer supporter